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PL8MASTER has created thousands of unique personalized replica novelty license plates for cars, bicycles, motorcycles, key tags and license plate frames.

Our Plates and Key Tags are extremely popular with car buffs. While all of the popular names have been taken through the MTO we offer collectors an excellent alternative. Our Plates and Key Tags are authentic looking and have the look and feel of the real thing. In fact, our replica Key Tags and Plates are so close to the real thing you won't be able to tell the difference.

You can find PL8MASTER at several car shows across Ontario making these personalized items on the spot or order online today.

Our goal is to provide quality personalized products for each and every customer whether it is for their own use or a gift for family or friends.

Take some time to check out our website. If you don't see something that suits your needs, or you need something more customized give us a call at 800-807-8834 or contact us.